This year you will have an opportunity to join a free teleconference to learn more from a few of the speakers for the ACHE Conference. My teleconference is scheduled for April 23. See below for details. Two additional free teleconferences have also been scheduled.
On April 23 at 5 pm Pacific Time, simply dial the access number for your country. You will be prompted to enter your access code: 373738#. Be sure to enter the number followed by the pound sign.
The USA call-in number is (424) 203-8400.
The call-in number for Canada is 1-559-670-1000 (a US number).
The call-in number for UK is +44 (0) 7874 476100 .
If you need a call-in number for another country, please email the ACHE office.
Once you enter your access code you will be allowed to enter the conference. All calls will be muted until Katherine has finished her presentation. At that point everyone will be un-muted and you can ask Katherine questions. If you are planning to listen to the replay and have specific questions for Katherine you may send them by email to [email protected]
For those of you who are unable to listen because of the difference in time zones, the teleconference will be recorded so that you can play it back at your convenience. The access code remains the same for the teleconference playback.
The USA playback number is the same as the call-in number: (424) 203-8400 .
The playback number for Canada is 1-559-670-1099 (a US number).
The playback number for UK is +44 (0) 7848 432916 .
If you need a playback number for another country, please email the ACHE office.
Future Teleconference speakers and dates are:
Timothy Trujillo April 25th 5pm-6pm Pacific Time
Kevin Cole April 30th 5pm-6pm Pacific Time
You can use the access codes above for all the teleconferences.
ACHE Annual Conference
May 1-2 (pre-conference) and May 3-5, 2013 — Pasadena, CA
This year I am teaching a day long Refresher course in Hypnotherapy, May 2, 2013, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm at the Hilton Hotel in Pasadena. Cost: $150
Have you been away from hypnotherapy for awhile? Perhaps you took training as a retirement option. Are you ready now to reach out and help people? Do you lack confidence in jumping back in?
Or perhaps you’ve been out of school for awhile and could benefit from a refresher. When I started teaching hypnotherapy in 2000 I discovered that I had forgotten some great techniques and that some of my processes weren’t as effective because I was skipping a few key elements.
This hypnotherapy refresher course has been designed just for you. After reviewing the basics you can start/continue your practice with added confidence and self-assurance.
In our morning segment we will cover inductions, deepeners, convincers and the pre-induction interview. In the afternoon segment we will review laws of suggestions, structuring therapeutic suggestions, anatomy of a session and some practical applications of hypnosis.
This course includes lecture, demonstrations and supervised practice. I hope that you can join me!
To Register: Call Jon Young at 818-242-1159 or click here:
Here is the link to the full conference schedule:
Hypnotherapy for Dementia Review
Yes, I’m still talking about this. For several months I’ve had this course listed in my newsletter. Just recently I attended this training and I’m excited about what I’ve learned. Let me share a few gems.
In my 24 years of working as a hypnotherapist I didn’t believe that people with dementia would be good candidates for hypnosis because they wouldn’t be able to concentrate. Not true! In fact, because their cognitive skills have lessened, their subconscious is much easier to access.
While there is currently no cure for the 1 in 8 Americans who have a type of dementia, hypnotherapy improves their quality of life.
Dr. Dan Nightingale and Dr. Simon Duff conducted a study in the U.K. using hypnotherapy for dementia patients. The group receiving hypnotherapy were taken off their medications and steadily improved over a 9 month course of weekly sessions. They continued to improve once the hypnotherapy was discontinued. The hypnotherapy sessions helped these people to restore lost skills, memories and personality.
Dr. Nightingale will be on blog talk radio with Lori La Bey, Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks at 8:30 am, May 13, 2013. You can listen to the show here:
On top of everything that I learned in my two-day training I was delighted to discover that Dr. Dan (as his patients call him) is an excellent trainer. Contact Kathy Balland if you would like to get a group together in your area. [email protected]
Discover Your Heart Centered Story
We are all intuitive. Some are more naturally intuitive than others but everyone can increase their inner “knowing.” Tuning in intuitively can make the difference in the level of healing that takes place in your family member and/or friend’s life.
Our conscious mind explains and our subconscious mind tells a story. An explanation will analyze, dissect, show principles, rules or laws. But a story touches us. It can excite us and move us. We stand back and examine an explanation. We participate in a story and learn from our vicarious experience.
In this experiential 2-hour class you will learn how to open your intuitive heart and share your wisdom through your own personal stories.
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Mission Valley, San Diego, CA
Cost: $20
To Register:
Self Hypnosis Training
Dates: June 4 & 11, 2013
Location: Southwestern College, Chula Vista, CA
Time: 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Cost: $65 (paid to Southwestern Community College Continuing Education) with a materials fee of $3 (paid to the instructor in class).
To Register: CS 251: Self-Hypnosis. Students will need to complete a Fee Class Registration Form and provide the payment (cash, check, credit/debit card) as soon as the class schedule is printed. (619) 421-6700 x5807
Course description: This is a two week experiential workshop to learn self hypnosis. Because practicing self hypnosis helps you to relax completely, you will immediately reduce your stress. While in hypnosis you can easily imprint your subconscious mind with positive messages. In this workshop you will learn to easily achieve a hypnotic state and to write effective suggestions to achieve a goal. Some common goals of self hypnosis are: to relieve test anxiety, improve self-esteem, reduce stress, improve concentration, stop smoking, release excess weight, relieve insomnia, enhance creativity, improve athletic performance and reduce pain.
If the class doesn’t fit into your schedule click here for the home study version: