As fascinated as I’ve always been by Past Life Regression Therapy I’m now learning that moving into the future is just as therapeutic and empowering.

Goal for this session

To give herself the reassurance and stamina to continue doing hypnotherapy for rest of her life. Be sure of herself and confident.future life progression

Her questions about her next life

She wanted to know how to expand her creative ability, what her contribution could be to humanity, and how she can make it bigger to help more people.

Future Life Progression Session
In five years she saw herself at her easel, painting, working with people and involved with her hypnotherapy practice

In ten years she experienced great happiness and fulfillment. She saw herself holding her client’s hands. Her advice to her current self was to set her intention daily and move toward it.

In her next life she saw herself in a space suit, traveling in outer space, in another galaxy, She said that it was fascinating and fulfilling, although somewhat dangerous. She felt supported by the rest of society. There were fewer people on the planet but they have a mission and all were closer to the divine.

Her advice for herself was to continue her education, reach out and connect, and listen. She also told herself to learn to connect psychically and develop her 6th sense.

It was a fascinating journey and I felt honored to be a witness and facilitator. Call me if you would like to experience FLP yourself: 619-710-9583.

Hypnotherapists: learn FLP in Sacramento