License to Record Volume 4


When you purchase the License to Record you are authorized to make unlimited recordings of these scripts for your exclusive use with private clients or for commercial sale. This permission to record is not assignable and any violation of this agreement will automatically render this License to Record invalid. License to Record $20 only if purchased with the book.


As a new hypnotherapist I was frustrated when I purchased a book of scripts because copyright law prevented me from recording the script for a client. And the author didn’t provide any other options. Yes, I could have completely re-written the material but often it was perfect already.

When I started publishing my own books of scripts, I wanted to offer an option that would allow them to legally record my work. Thus the License to Record option was born. Now you can pay an additional $20 when you purchase the book and legally record the scripts — and sell them commercially if you wish.

It works out to less than $1 per script. A wise investment in my opinion. If you change your mind and wish to purchase a license later the price is $40. Still, only $2 per script.

Whether you’re teaching hypnosis classes, working with private clients or doing stage hypnosis, take advantage of back of the room sales. Years ago, a student in my hypnosis for public speaking class saw the CD set that I was selling and commented, “I need that. I’ll need all the help I can get.”

Over the years I have doubled my income from teaching by selling CDs. Here’s the thing… people want something to use again after the class or session with your voice. When my students and clients buy a CD they often ask if it’s my voice. With the License to Record you’re able to legally record your voice with my words and sell the recordings to your clients, students and commercially from your website. At $1/script you can’t lose.

Click here to learn more about selling products

  • Licenses are issued to individuals, not to a company. Please remember to include your name for the license.
  • Licenses are issued manually after the purchase. You will receive your License via email in 3-4 days.
  • You may purchase a License with the book or within 10 days for only $20 each. Licenses purchased outside that time frame are $40 each.