I have purposely kept these stress reduction techniques short and sweet so that you will have time to read this as the holiday season approaches.
Step back from your activities and take 3 deep breaths throughout your day.
2. Practice gratitude
Genuine gratitude can increase your levels of well-being and happiness. In addition, grateful thinking—and especially expression of it to others—is associated with increased levels of energy, optimism, and empathy.
3. Exercise
Find ways to keep your body moving. For example, can’t make it to the gym? Park your car away from your destination and walk briskly to the entrance.
4. Simplify
Does this holiday season really have to be bigger and better than last year? Focus on the true value of spending time with loved ones.
5. Go with the flow
“I see life like a beautiful river. Sometimes it flows fast and sometimes it meanders. I accept the river of life for what it is and I flow with it. I don’t try to ‘push the river.'” Tom Sannar
Click here for a popular stress reduction CD. https://trancetime.com/store/self-help-cds/hypnosis-cds-mp3s/
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