Trigger vs Signal

As someone who has been interested in the power of the mind for many years, I am aware of the impact words have on our life experience. Think of the word ‘trigger’.  A word that describes how an old memory/emotions can instantly come to the surface. What if we simply...

Living Intuitively, Part 2

Excerpt from Finding Your True Self (out of print) Warning Episode II: Don’t Go With Him Here is another one of my experiences when I did not follow my internal knowing. I dated a man once whom I liked very much. As much as I liked him, something about him bothered...

Living Intuitively, Part 1

Excerpt from Finding Your True Self (out of print) According to the dictionary, intuition is knowledge gained without evident rational thought. We all have it; some of us call it a “gut feeling.” This knowledge comes from the True Self in each of us. When we harmonize...

Improve How You Learn

Excerpt from Finding Your True Self (out of print) Aligning with your True Self involves change, and change includes learning on many levels. Whether in an academic setting or not, learning is improved by altered states of consciousness. There are four levels of the...