Expand Your Intuition

Intuition is an extrasensory perception of something that you should or shouldn’t do without any substantial proof, often accompanied by a noticeable physical response. Simply stated, intuition is direct knowledge. We’re all born with intuition as well as...

Six Ways to Stay Upbeat

Six ways to train your brain to stay upbeat. 1. Practice gratitude People who keep a daily “gratitude list” become happier and more successful over time. Every night before you go to sleep, write down three things that you’re grateful for. If one of...

Future Life Success

What if time isn’t linear? Some future life therapists are discovering that the problem doesn’t always exist in the past but in the future. It makes perfect sense if you accept the concept that time isn’t linear. Let’s see how imagining the future helped these...

Surviving breast cancer

I was at the gym riding the stationary bike when my doctor called with the diagnosis of breast cancer. On 3/4/03 I had a mastectomy. It’s a date well entrenched in my memory. And here I am, 12 years later, completely cancer free. (This is my personal experience,...

Love is in the Air

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner bringing love into our awareness. Of course, when we think about Valentine’s Day we think about romantic love. We long for someone to share our lives. But wait, what about the Self that we would bring into that...

Thoughts on Manifesting

I’ve had some interesting experiences lately with manifesting. One day on my morning walk I was thinking that, if I had the time, I would hire a voice coach to help me improve my choir performance. You see, choir has become my hobby. And since I am singing with...