Removing Cords MP4 Video


1 CE hour

Removing cords enhances our relationships and brings more joy into our lives. Removing cords is helpful with
• Smoking cessation
• Weight reduction
• Relationship issues
• Habits
• Beliefs
and much more
Hypnotherapy Scripts, Vol. 3 includes the  process.

Format: MP4

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Removing Cords

With our video series you can now improve your skills in the comfort of your own home.

The Cord Removal Process
It’s natural to create an energetic connection to others. We establish cords metaphorically to friends, siblings, parents, children, habits, emotional patterns, addictive substances, belief systems, money, ways of life and so on. While it’s natural, it’s not in anyone’s best interest.

Connections to and from others drain their energy and ours. Without those connections people can again take responsibility for their lives and use their energy for their own growth and unfoldment. Cutting cords enhances our relationships and brings more joy into our lives. This visualization process helps you to detach from others.

For the most part, connections to children are appropriate and assist us in meeting their needs. However, sometimes even cords to and from our children need to be cut.

We connect to people with whom we are in relationships. And, when the relationship ends, we often remain corded, keeping us tied to that person energetically. It can be a factor in why it’s sometimes so hard to let someone go.

After a relationship of mine ended I found that every time I drove past a local private airport I felt an incredible longing to fly. The former boyfriend was a private pilot and we had taken several trips in his plane. When I checked for cords I discovered a cord from my mind to his. Once I removed the cord I could drive by the airport and remember the trips we’d taken without the intense longing to fly that I’d felt previously. I was feeling his longing to fly and it was distracting me from living my own life. It was a great reminder of the impact of being corded.

We send out energetic connections to others from the front of the body and others cord to us from behind. In this process you will be directed to check for the cords that you’re sending as well as those that are being sent to you.

In releasing cords you may find that you have more energy, heal more quickly and have less unhealthy attachment to others. Decording does not mean that you will love or care for this person any less. You will simply be allowing yourself and others to be responsible and maintain their own energy.

This process may need to be repeated several times to clear out all the cords.