Future Life Progression e-course


Future life progression can help clients to evaluate their decisions in this life by accessing a future life memory. You can assist clients to recognize the karmic effect of their current choices.

You will finish with a thorough understanding of the material as the class takes you through step by step. This material can be used with groups and individual clients.

[The] Material was presented in very logical manner. The first time I tried “Future Life Progression” on a new client without previous hypnosis experience she texted me afterwards “I’m so grateful for today. You have no idea how amazing it was for me to have that experience with you”. This hypnosis made a positive lasting memory that my client can access, as she goes forward in her future.~Sandra Perez

8 CE hours for hypnotherapists
Not for resale


8 CE hours for hypnotherapists

Pre-requisite: hypnotherapy training

As fascinated as I’ve always been by Past Life Regression Therapy I’m now learning that moving into the future is just as therapeutic and empowering.

In retrospect, everything that I have experienced to date has been valuable. It has laid the groundwork for what was to come. In the moment, during some of the experiences, I couldn’t see the value.

Future life progression can help clients to evaluate their decisions in this life by accessing a future life memory. You can assist clients to recognize the karmic effect of their current choices. This allows you to change or address issues that may be preventing them from moving forward in their current life. You can also help your clients end an ongoing karmic pattern they may have carried through multiple lives.

An expert discusses a case in which his client found the root cause of his difficulty lay in a future life. How could this be? The subconscious mind is not subject to time as is the conscious mind. The conscious mind replays memories in a linear fashion which gives the impression of time however the subconscious mind can recall memories regardless if they are from the past, present, or future.

Those experiencing future life progressions have reported feelings of ease, clarity, understanding, and even inspiration concerning their current lives.

• What if you could custom design your own destiny?

• Speed up your future success?

• Reveal your future talents?

Simply put, you can.

Have you ever wished that you could go back 10 years and give yourself advice? You would benefit, wouldn’t you?

So why not go to a potential future and give your current self advice?

The more I use this process the more excited I am about the possibilities and ways that clients can benefit. Based on the work of several experts in future life work, this training will teach you how to guide your clients far into their future and into their future lives. They will experience first hand the outcome of their current choices. Once they make a different choice in the here and now, they will affect their future.  Includes a 30 page manual.

Click here for a home study course in Past Life Regression

Katherine Zimmerman is an internationally-known author and speaker, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and EFT Practitioner with a private practice. Since 1989, she has taught classes on self-hypnosis, EFT, and other related subjects, along with doing presentations on hypnotherapy at professional conferences nationwide.

A prolific writer, Katherine’s published works include Business Solutions: Build Your Successful Holistic Practice; Hypnotherapy Scripts Volumes 1 through 5; a series of Instructors Manuals containing everything an instructor requires to teach these classes and seminars.

Katherine is the Director of the California Hypnotherapy Academy, a former guest lecturer for the University of California Medical Center, Davis and former guest instructor for Hypnotherapy Training Institute of No. California.